Vikings, TV Series recommended to Game of Thrones fans

5:51 p.m. Robert Mocanu 0 Comments

Vikings, Game of Thrones alternative

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Current article version: Vikings, TV Series recommended to Game of Thrones fans.

We are in 793 AD. A primodrial and dificult soil breeds a harsh and cruel nation. Scandinavia is the land of the Vikings who are trying to make their existance here. They build homes, try to farm the land and make war on each other for the little wealth they have.

Ragnar Lothbrok and his family are farmers, some of the priviledged few with land titles given to them. But Ragnar is a visionary. He imagines a time where they need not go to war against each other, but discover new lands to the west, in an area few have heard of, but no one has ever seen - Britain - the rich land across the sea.

The only problem is that all explorers that have tried their luck in this direction have vanished without a trace or have been forced to return so no one believes that there is anything out there except the endless ocean.

This ends the day Ragnar discovers an unique navigation instrument, builds his own ship and travels together with a modest crew in search of this new land, finally ending on the coast of the Kingdom of Northumbria and assalting a treasure filled abbey.

This is the calatyst for a story full of suspense in which bloody battle is a way of life, and the belief in the Gods and of how they may be pleased is one of the most important aspects of Viking life.

Vikings is a TV show that is nearing the end of it's third season and has a resounding success in the States where it gathered a score of 71% on Metracritic being compared with more known shows like Game of Thrones or Spartacus. Filmed in Ireland, with a cast of talented actors and a 40 million dolar budget , Vikings is the kind of TV show you start looking at and do not stop until it is finished.

The strange world of the Northmen, their courage and harshness, Ragnar's intelligence and vision for the world they are living in make Vikings an interesting TV show that I can recommend to any Game of Thrones fan. Surely it is not exactly at the same level as HBO original programming, nor does the show want to imply this, but it has an exciting plot, with many twists and cliffhangers that will leave you wanting to see the next episode.

Vikings, Game of Thrones alternative

Vikings, Game of Thrones alternative

Vikings, Game of Thrones alternative